


It was in 1986 that the Union deProducteurs equipped itself with a computer-assisted grape reception system, witha view to ensuring the separate vinification of its 58 châteaux representinghalf of its production, as well as a variety of commercial brands from aselection of terroirs.


The company then invested inthermoregulation for each of its vinification vats, to ensure perfect controland the best extraction from the colouring matter and the tannins.


In addition, all the vats were linked to aninert gas network to protect the wine from oxidation.


Meanwhile, the Union relocated its bottleageing and conditioning operations to an air-conditioned warehouseaccommodating 8 million bottles and brought in an automated line that preparesbottles for shipping at a rate of 6000 bottles per hour.


This relocation opened the way for a 5000barrel storehouse with a barrel washing line, priority for which is given tothe maturing of its Saint Emilion Grand Cru.

这次更新还使得联盟具备了附带橡木桶清洗流水线的可以储存5000个橡木桶的陈酿仓库,而这些设备当然会被优先使用于生产Saint Emilion Grand Cru级别的葡萄酒。


At the beginning of 2002, the Unioninvested in a bottling machine set up in fully renovated premises. The unitoperates at a rate of 9000 bottles per hour and meets all relevant health andsafety standards.


In 2002, a new vat room was built above thebarrel warehouse, boasting 140 stainless steel vats with a capacity of 20,000hectolitres.


Because the quality of grapes is naturallyof the essence, a grape-to-vat gravity-based transfer system is used.


New grape reception hoppers will be linkedby automaton to each of the cellar's vinification vats, thus ensuring completetraceability of the châteaux and brand wines.


1931-2011 : 80 years of Union deProducteurs de Saint-Emilion



An enduring success !


Did you know ?


On the 4th of March 2011, we wished “Happy Birthday” to the Unionde Producteurs de Saint-Emilion, the oldest wine co-operative in the Frenchdepartment of Gironde.

201134号是Saint-Emilion 葡萄酒联盟这个法国Gironde省最古老的葡萄酒联合机构的生日。

Created in the depths of the 1930s crisis,this pioneer paved the way for the other 52 wine co-operatives of the Girondedepartment which started operating between 1933 and 1939.

在上个世纪30年代法国根瘤蚜爆发的沉重危机中,当地的先驱者们联合52Gironde地区的酒庄建立了Saint-Emilion 葡萄酒联盟,联盟从1933年一直运行到1939年。


After successive years of difficultvintages, some diseases in the vineyard (phylloxéra, oïdium, and mildiou), frost and shatter (flower abortion), poorsales (Bordeaux wine-merchants did not buy the estates’ wines any more), Robert VILLEPIGUE, agricultural engineer, was thefirst one to talk about the new idea of a wine co-operative.

祸不单行,经历了连年的葡萄病虫害,霜害,落果落果病害,销售上的打击(波尔多的酒商不再购买该地区的葡萄酒),Robert Villepigue,农业工程师第一个提出建立葡萄酒联盟的设想。


His purpose was to bring together vinegrowers owners of vineyards with small surfaces, having in mind to limitexpenses, to save harvests and to keep vineyards which could have been pulledout in other times.


For its first harvest in 1933, the Union deProducteurs vinified 1820 hectoliters of wine and created a Special Cuvée of First Classified Growths together with the Cuvée Royal-Saint-Emilion which is still vinified nowadays.

1933年第一次收获时,葡萄酒联盟生产了18.2万升葡萄酒,并且在Cuvée Royal-Saint-Emilion的基础上建立了以及生产等级“Special Cuvée”,这个等级一直沿用至今。